The Youth Station Project is a platform dedicated to showcasing students’ original creative work in music.
Through this platform, student-musicians are provided with opportunities to further develop their interest and skills in songwriting, music arranging, production and performing, with relevant learning and exposure gained through mentorship by professional musicians.
The Top 5 and Honourable Mentions songs from the 2021 edition of “The Youth Station Project” are available via these links:
Interested students are to approach their school's Music teacher for information on how to participate.
Closing date for submission is MOnday, 25 April 2022.
The Youth Station Project Open Call consists of three categories:
PRIMARY CATEGORY For original song entries submitted by individual students or student groups at primary level. |
LOWER SECONDARY CATEGORY For original song entries submitted by individual students or student groups at lower secondary level. |
OPEN CATEGORY For original song entries submitted by individual students or student groups at upper secondary level and above. |
The original song entries should be based on ONE of the following themes:
i. Celebrate |
ii. Encourage |
iii. Environment |
iv. Friends |
v. Family |
vi. Inspire |
vii. Places |
viii. Reflect |
Twenty songs will be shortlisted from each category. All participants of the shortlisted songs will be eligible for an asynchronous 1-on-1 e-mentoring session with a professional music practitioner in songwriting/music production as mentor. The mentor will provide feedback via video/audio/text to help participants to improve on their songs and resubmit for the Top 10 & Honourable Mentions selection.
Selection of Top 10 & Honourable Mentions
Ten “Top 10” songs and ten “Honourable Mentions” songs will be selected from the twenty shortlisted songs per category after the e-mentoring session and resubmission of improved songs. These 20 songs from each category will be featured in the SYF YouTube Channel in July/August 2022.
ALL participants with a valid submission will receive an e-certificate for their participation, which can be reflected in their CCA record.