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About the 2024 Art Exhibition

About the SYF Art Exhibition

The Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Art Exhibition, into its 57th year, provides students with opportunities to showcase their artistic talents and promote art appreciation in schools. The exhibition aligns with the art curriculum, emphasising dialogues on ideas, inspirations, and art processes among student artists and audiences in the schools and community.

Featuring artworks by students from primary and secondary/Junior colleges/centralised institute in alternate years, the exhibition includes an online showcase, an e-catalogue, and an on-site exhibition. All participating entries are featured online, while select works are presented at the on-site exhibition.

The 2024 Exhibition

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This year's exhibition showcases more than 450 artwork entries by over 1800 students from 115 secondary schools, pre-universities, specialised schools, and special education schools. Approximately 120 artworks will be featured at the exhibition at the National Gallery Singapore.


Artist and Collaboration

While Art is a treasured means of creative expression for individuals, artists also draw inspiration from collaborative opportunities in an increasingly interconnected world. This includes partnering with others, integrating diverse art forms, and working across disciplines to create impactful and relevant works. By adopting an empathetic and inclusive approach, artists critically examine and reimagine the role and function of their creations, thereby contributing to the shaping of cultures and societies.


The 2024 exhibition theme, 'Artist and Collaboration', encourages students to harness the power of collaborative art to create, connect, and contribute. Just as artists find inspiration in collaboration, students can approach the theme by exploring how they think, work, and learn with and from others. Embracing diverse perspectives, blending art forms and disciplines, and pushing creative boundaries, students can imagine new possibilities for the world they inhabit.